Student Conference Travel Awards

The Foundation supports a limited number of students who wish present their research nationally and internationally under the mentorship of a faculty member with a primary appointment in the Dalhousie Department of Diagnostic Radiology.

Eligible students

  1. The student must be enrolled full-time at the time of application.

  2. The student cannot be enrolled in a residency or fellowship program at the time of application.

  3. The student’s primary supervisor must be a faculty member with a primary appointment in the Dalhousie Department of Diagnostic Radiology.


  • Maximum award of $2,000 CAD for in-country travel.

  • Maximum award of $3,000 CAD for out-of-country travel.


  • Applications must be submitted prior to travel.

How to apply

The supervisor must submit:

  1. Proof of abstract acceptance from the conference

  2. Confirmation of the faculty member as primary supervisor for the project

Eligible expenses

Receipts can be submitted for reimbursement* of the following:

  • Hotel accommodation for the duration of the conference. Additional nights’ accommodation are the responsibility of the student.

  • Return economy airline ticket and ground transportation to and from the airport.

  • Conference registration fees.


  • Meals and beverage expenses are not reimbursed.

  • Grant funding should be used first, if available.

*The DFRRF is committed to equitable access to funding. The Research Office will contact successful award recipients to offer alternate arrangements if post-travel reimbursement may create a financial barrier.

Local presentation

The recipient of the DFRRF funding will be required to present their work to the Department, before or after travel, in coordination with the Research Office.

Release of funds

Flow of funds will be facilitated by the Research Office.